Interactive Analysis Case – 03: Searching for Images in a Database
Searching for Images in a Database Using Natural Language with ThanoSQL
Introducing ThanoSQL's interactive analysis service.
The interactive analysis service allows AI to take user queries in natural language and provide answers using a database.
In this video, we will explore an example of searching for images stored in a database using natural language.
The content explained in the video follows the sequence below:
1) We have prepared a table with images collected from the internet, automatically labeled using AI functionality. After selecting this table, we will request to find images related to the ocean.

2) ThanoSQL finds and displays images related to the ocean. Interestingly, the last image is of a desert, likely because it was interpreted as a sandy beach.

3) Using the built-in query editor in ThanoSQL, you can see how the natural language query was translated into a database query (SQL). You can modify the query directly and execute a different one instantly if desired.

4) When the data stored in the database consists of images, videos, or audio, you can immediately view the content through the data viewer, as shown in the image below.