ThanoSQL AI App Template
Rapid AI app development based on category templates

In today’s highly competitive business environment, understanding and analyzing the customer journey is essential to a company’s success. Typically, the customer journey consists of five stages, as illustrated in the figure below.

For instance, in the case of a personalized diet program, companies begin by segmenting customer groups by combining metadata, such as gender and age, with dynamic data like weight, exercise levels, and dietary habits.

Next, the company analyzes the journey of each segmented customer group through distinct phases of the diet program, such as weight loss, weight gain, or potential program dropout.

This analysis enables the company to identify the factors driving customers to repurchase the diet
program, allowing it to present motivating and optimal offers. Conversely, the company can proactively implement prevention strategies when anticipating potential customer attrition.

Through such journey analysis, companies can ultimately achieve increased sales and improved customer relationships.

What makes ThanoSQL different?

Unstructured data can also be combined and analyzed with SQL along with structured data.
Additionally, even when using a public LLM, there is no external leakage of
corporate data and analysis is possible, just like a conversation.

In addition to the built-in scenarios,
customized scenarios according to customer requirements can be applied within a few weeks.


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